Originally Posted by z3r0
Have you checked your plugins? the redirect stuff l've seen like that in the past was using the global_complete location, so it's worth checking through.
Thank You for reply.
I have following two plugins using
global_complete hook location.
Will you kindly take few minutes, helping us fix this crucial issue.
Product = DragonByte Tech: Seo (Pro)
Title = Process Content: Global
Execution Order = 32767
Plugin PhP Code =
require(DIR . '/dbtech/dbseo/hooks/global_complete.php');
(attached the file global_complete.php)
Product = 8WR Micro Debug
Title = micro DEBUG stats
Execution Order = 5
Plugin PhP Code =
$totaltime = microtime(true) - TIMESTART;
$templatecache = vB_Template::$template_usage;
$microdebug .= '<div class="footer_morecopyright" style="margin-top: 0px">';
$microdebug .= 'Page Time: <b>' . vb_number_format($totaltime, 5) . '</b> seconds ';
$microdebug .= function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? 'Memory: <b>' . number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1024) . '</b> KB ' : '';
$microdebug .= 'Queries: <b>' . $vbulletin->db->querycount . '</b> ';
$microdebug .= 'Templates: <b>' . sizeof($templatecache) . '</b>';
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 6)
$templatequeries = vB_Template::$template_queries;
$microdebug .= $templatequeries ? ' (<b>' . sizeof($templatequeries) . '</b> uncached)' : '';
if ($uptime = @exec(uptime))
$microdebug .= '<br />';
$srv = $srv[1];
if ($srv[10])
$microdebug .= 'Server Uptime: <b>' . $srv[3] . ' months ' . $srv[4] . ' days ' . $srv[5] . ' hours ' . $srv[6] . ' mins</b> ';
$microdebug .= 'Server Load: <b>' . $srv[8] . '</b> : ' . $srv[9] . ' : ' . $srv[10];
else if ($srv[9])
$microdebug .= 'Server Uptime: <b>' . $srv[3] . ' days ' . $srv[4] . ' hours ' . $srv[5] . ' mins</b> ';
$microdebug .= 'Server Load: <b>' . $srv[7] . '</b> : ' . $srv[8] . ' : ' . $srv[9];
else if ($srv[8])
$microdebug .= 'Server Uptime: <b>' . $srv[3] . ' hours ' . $srv[4] . ' mins</b> ';
$microdebug .= 'Server Load: <b>' . $srv[6] . '</b> : ' . $srv[7] . ' : ' . $srv[8];
if ($templatequeries)
$microdebug .= '<br /><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">';
foreach ($templatecache AS $templatename => $times)
if ($templatequeries["$templatename"])
$microdebug .= '<tr><td style="color: red; text-align: left;"><b>' . $templatename . '</b></td><td style="padding-left: 10px;">(' . $times . ')</td></tr>';
$microdebug .= '</table>';
$microdebug .= "</div>";
$output = str_replace('</body>',$microdebug.'</body>', $output);