Originally Posted by MishyMashy
Paid sub members = Primary=registered user, additonal = upgraded member
Super Moderators= I have never altered so that is still the default.
It all went haywire after doing the paid sub permissions.
HM666 I tried your way just now and nothing has changed.
Then something is conflicting somewhere. Have you disabled all the plugins and then tried again? Possibly something installed on the forum has created a conflict.
You will need a HTML editor like Dreamweaver or use NotePad.
DO NOT use MS Word or Word Pad.
Global disable: open your
includes>config.php file and find:
and under place:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Save and upload again to your server in the includes directory.
If you find that it works after disabling the plugins globally then re-enable the plugins by putting // in front of the code so it looks like this:
//define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Save and upload again.
Then you will have to go through your mods one by one until you find the one that is causing the conflict.