Browsing the web looking at vBulletin 3 forums, I have noticed a majority of the sites use the default vBulletin theme with maybe a different logo, or just other small little tweaks to make their site unique.
so why not make the default theme responsive! A lot of people have requested responsive themes, and the options we have are either poorly themed with ...lets say ...unique designs, or completely restrict the power of vBulletin.
So I set out to make the default vB3 theme responsive. Keeping the simplicity of the original design in mind, my goal is to make something look and feel as if it was "suppose to be that way to begin with."
here are some sneak peeks of what ive got so far.

here you see the default vB3 theme, with no alterations.
But upon re-sizing the browser

you can see, some table sections are removed. Also you may notice the big menu button in the top right and the breadcrumbs along with the original navbar are gone.
opening the menu

you are greeted with GIANT finger friendly links, that may look fairly familiar with the default vb theme =)
Although im not too sure what will make it to the final release, thats why im sharing here. Im looking for feedback and suggestions. So give me some ideas =)