Originally Posted by kerrghann
I'm writing to inquire as to whether or not this was resolved?
You can manually disable this.
You can go in options, but if you want to disable option in inline moderation, it is controlled with this plugin:
Menu item in Moderation Tools You can easily found it in plugin manager.
If you disable it, no one can use it, whatever settings of the mod are in use.
Also you can edit it, by adding controls who can see that option
HTML Code:
$template_hook[inlinemod_post_bottom] .= '<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo,5,6,7)"><li><label><input type="radio" name="do" value="spamcleanconfirm" tabindex="42" /> '.$vbphrase['glowhostspamomatic_bsc_title'].'...</label></li></if>';
Of course, you decide which usergroups will see that option. Allow it only to admins, or supermods.