Originally Posted by Skyrider
I downloaded Tapatalk v5.5.2 from May (2015), and I oddly enough can't find this usergroup limitation feature. Are you sure it was there? I remember something similar, but now I'm not too sure.
Oh yes! I am 100% sure! We had it enabled since implementing Tapatalk and it worked FINE for all of this time.
We restrict use of Tapatalk since it bypasses forum permissions on things like signature lines (we have a number of commercial members that would like to "advertise" their businesses in their signature lines for free).
Also, Tapatalk users automatically bypass our banner advertisers, so that reduces our "appeal" to banner advertisers since any forum user using Tapatalk complete bypasses any paid advertising via banner advertisement (paid member or not).
On top of that, Tapatalk users do not see our marquee messages (usually focused on important matters pertaining to the organization) and vBulletin "notices", as well.
The impact of allowing "anyone" to log-into our forums via Tapatalk is huge due to these issues. Up until this point, we restricted it to ONLY paid members?but since this change/update?ANYBODY using Tapatalk can bypass these things, which has a huge financial impact on the organization providing the forums.
If we cannot identify a way to reinstate the usage limitations to ONLY paid members, we will be forced to uninstall Tapatalk.
Since I really don't want to do that, I am simply looking for a place to put some conditional code to assure that ONLY paid members (usergroup 42) are allowed to use Tapatalk.