How to edit link font-weight in posts
Disclaimer: I inherited taking care of a vbulletin site and, sadly, am learning as I go. Gladly - I *can* learn.
What do I need to do to edit the links shown in posts? Would like to change the color, but making them bold and underlined would be enough. Only want to modify the links in posts - not the header or elsewhere.
Have looked at the Additional area of Main CSS.. but at the top of that page (template?) there is an error for line 451 of css.php. Research says that the page (template?) is obsolete anyway and there to help (and confuse).
Looking through the StyleVars - I see where to change the link color and decoration (for everything), but no option to make it bold or underlined just for posts. The Postbit section doesn't appear to have any link settings.
ps - no addon references, please.