Yes, I have the vB logs write to a file. No logs to show. And yes, I disabled all mods in using the config file, and no luck there.
EDIT: I have tried everything I can think of right now. But I will fix it, some how, some way, eventually it will come to me, it always does. lol.
Sorry for putting everyone through this, its just bugging me. I hate coming across a problem like this and not being able to fix it. I mean this is vBulletin, PHP, and Linux. How hard can it be? lol. I bet its nothing hard either, just a simple setting or configuration that is off (or on) that I overlooked. It always turns out that way with servers and web development. Its because there are so many settings and configs to keep track of, and all kinds of different services and scripts, and just one setting on any one of those could be the problem. I will have to look deep in the configs of my server and vB tomorrow.
Oh and by the way, I own this server. Actually, my vB is running on multiple servers all at once. I have 5 servers setup, 1 for MySQL, 1 for Web Server (and other web related services), 1 for Network (Network Switch), 1 for Server Storage, and the last is for Offline Backup Storage. The backup storage server is not connected to the net, its just connected to the other servers locally.
So if anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this problem with Uploading Avatars, Attachments, etc... That requires physical access to the server cabinet, let me know, because I do have physical access to the servers.
And thank you, everyone that is trying there best to help me with this issue!