4.2.1 - 500 error on my database but working on a new install
I have someone working on a site and he is getting it working fine on 4.2.1 with a fresh install, when he tries it with my database, its giving a 500 error.
I had a quick look myself and the same thing is happening, so without a doubt its not a server error.
I also checked cPanel error logs, nothing coming up, checked vB error logs, nothing coming up.
I can get him to post also but I know this isnt a server error so I dont know why its giving a 500 or no errors showing in logs..
I have only ever got a 500 when it was something wrong with the actual server, but I have other sites running on different scripts as well as vb 3.7 running fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem?
Thanks for any help