<a href="http://www.vbadvanced.com/" target="_blank">http://www.vbadvanced.com/</a> vBadvance.com website is still down...
I know Brian had announced in 2014 that vBadvanced products including CMPS are EOL and no longer supported but I thought he would keep the website up and running so people still running vB3 and vB4 could continue to use vBadvanced. I've been trying to access the website over the last few days with no luck and judging by others experiences in this thread it has been for some time now.... anyone know why it went down and if it will be coming back online? I have a feeling it won't.
Also, I have a paid license for vBadvance CMPS. Is there anywhere I can download the latest version for my vB4 forum? I'd like to have it on hand. If anyone has contact with Brian and could help it would be greatly appreciated!