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After you install the script, all you have to do is to mark some messages as "news" to drag them yo your main page. To tag messages you will use [news] [summary] [intro] and [options] tags, all of which are invisible in the original thread.
If you authorized some forums or members for news posting in the newsconfig.php options, remember to use authorized member(s)' name and post in the authorized forum when marking your messages. (An optional precaution you may regard to prevent ordinary users to post news by using these tags)
To mark a message, simply use [news] [/news] tag in your message body. The text you insert between, will be your news title in the main page.
eg. [news]This is a News Title[/news]
The [news] tag alone is enough (and the only required tag) to mark any message as news and it will drag the whole message to your main page.
If you dont want to drag the entire message, but pull only some part from the begining(or else), use that part in [intro] [/intro].(And of course still [news] tag is required since it tags the message as news). For example you can use [intro] tag to take the first paragraph of your message to your main page and the script will link your original thread with a "Read More" remark.
[news]My News[/news]
[intro]my introduction that will be dragged to news page[/intro]
Other paragraphs which will NOT be dragged to news page..
If you want to use an entirely different text as your news body, use it in [summary] [/summary] tags. So for example in a hot thread you can send a reply to one of the members and in your message you can use hidden '[summary]We are discussing subject X in our forum.. Join![/summary]' tag, to post this text to your main page as news and link the original thread. Forum viewers will only see your original forum reply in the forum but main page visitors will be notified by your custom text.
[news]My News[/news]
[summary]my news paragraph that will be dragged to news page but hidden in the original thread[/summary]
Other paragraphs which will NOT be dragged to news page and visible to thread readers..
And finally we have an optional [options] [/options] tag, which helps you to customize your news. For all of your news, you can individually disable these options: Send a Friend Link(sendfriendoff), Thread view number(viewsoff), News Poster's name(posteroff), News Date(dateoff), News Comments&Add a Comment Link(commentsoff), News' last commenter's name(lastcommenteroff), whether news shown on the main page increases thread's view number or not (countoff), whether news is sticky (sticky) and whether you want to crunch (removes newlines) news text (crunch) in your main page. Use the tags in paranthesis to disable relevant option like [options]sendfriendoff lastcommenteroff countoff[/options] (Exceptions= (sticky) and (crunch). They enable the option.)
Ok that's it..
Enjoy! \\=^))