Ok i have had this chatbox installed for over a year and did not realise you could use these commands below i thought it was just for the pro version.How do i get these commands to work.For example this command /slap you can now use this ,but when i go to use it in the chat box for example it does this /slap uid 1 whats supposed to happen
Many commands available with usergroup/user permissions to access them:
/me: well known IRC command
/del: remove shouts (different possibilities of removal)
/ignore: ignore shouts from another user
/ban: ban user from chatbox
/pm: send a private chat to another user
/announcement: modify the announcement on top of the chatbox
: allow user to slap another user
/team: chats sending between specified usergroups
/l33t: I33t-ify a message
Many thanks
Many thanks