There is 30+ Usergroups. That is only one set because there is 5 other sets of 30 Usergroups some with more and some with less users that are on different time frames. If i have the query with the basic knowledge of SQL that I have I am sure I can adjust it to work for the other usergroups I was just trying to keep the post short and to the point of what I need.
But I suppose I should have stated I need this for more than just the initial 30+ usergroups. I run a sports league with multiple sports. Each Sport has 30+ teams(which means UG for each team) depending on the sport and each team varies in size of 12 to 18 people(Users in those UGs). I need to be able to clear the Usergoups of their members because next season that usergroup may have 12 new people because of the way our leagues work. And the Profile_Field_12(not the actual field) is a retainer field. So a 12 year old can play in the 12-14yr old league for 3 years so the profile field 12 says he has 3 years he is eligible to be in that league.
I hope the additional info makes this easier to understand my need.
Thanks for your time,