I hardly think my small addition qualifies as a hack, as I wrote it in about 3 minutes; but here is a very simple way to have users post via the gateway via their regular email address, and not one put together from makeshift message-id.
In gateway.php, search for,
$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1");
$signature = "\n--\n";
$signature .= $newthread[username];
Replace it with,
$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle,email FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1");
$signature = "\n--\n";
$signature .= $newthread[username];
$my_email = $userinfo[email];
In gateway.php, search for,
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response = $news->post($cat . unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$msgid>", $message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref");
Replace it with,
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response = $news->post($cat . unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$my_email>", $message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref");
- Mark
System Administrator Asarian-host.org
"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx