Originally Posted by grey_goose
This is one of my favorite mods, but I can't seem to get it to work. Installation seems to go OK, but any attempts to use it spawns all sorts of db errors that show that my tables aren't being altered during the install process.
Could you please post the error messages?
Originally Posted by addamroy
What happens when a nomination ends or is won?
Does the user get a notification? Is a thread created? Etc. What happens when it finishes, besides being listed on the nominations page? Using Autoscore for example.
At this time, I believe it only lists the winners on the nominations page.
Originally Posted by MasturB
Hey, can someone tell me I have everything set up correctly in Rotation and Nominations.
But when my users try to nominate for Post of the WEek (I don't have threads, avatars etc set up, only Posts) a popup opens and says "Page Not Found"
Am I doing something wrong?
Can you show me the URL of the page in question?