Suggestions for this Mod:
- Exclude Usergroups From Reporting Posts Already Reported.
- Exclude Usergroups From Reporting At All.
- Users are Immune from having their posts be reported.
- Usergroups are Immune from having their posts be reported.
Suggestions for this Mod/another Mod:
Currently this is the default for 'User Infractions & Post Reporting Options' in vBulletin
If somebody reports a post, a thread is (automatically) created in X forum (multiple not allowed).
If somebody else reports the same post afterwards, then they will (automatically) create a post in the same thread the first reporter created.
The user who reported/or the userID selected from the settings will be shown as creating the thread/post.
Change these three settings:
- Change: '
User Infraction Discussion Forum' TO: Allow multiple forums to be selected.
- Change: '
Post Reporting Discussion Forum' TO: Allow multiple forums to be selected.
- - Change: '
Post Reporting User' TO: Allow the admin to select different userID per ForumID.
Example: [ForumIDs|UserID; ForumIDs|UserID ..etc ] [3,6,7|1; 4,8,12|2;]
Note: You don't have to edit these locations, if you just re-create these settings into the AdminCP for a Mod which overwrites vBulletin default settings.
Additional settings:
- Report Forum(s):
Multiple ForumID selector
- - If users report in the forum ID you select in this setting, in the Report Forum(s) which you selected above, it (reports) will display this UserID instead.
Example: [ForumIDs|UserID; ForumIDs|UserID ..etc ] [3,6,7|1; 4,8,12|2;]
Note: This should overwrite the 'Post Reporting Discussion Forum' if the selected forum(s) overlap.
Note 2: This is different to this. Yes both of them create report forum destinations, but how/which userID are displayed is different.
- Allow the admin to select certain usergroups/users, those usergroups/users will have their post reports all go into X thread ID.
Example: [ThreadID|UsergroupIDs; ThreadID|UsergroupIDs etc...] [4|2; 8|6,4,3;]
AND [ThreadID|UserIDs; ThreadID|UserIDs etc...] [12|56; 13|62,14,23;]
Note: If a report is going into X threadID then it should should show the original userID creating the post (report).
- - Should a report be created in other places too? [Yes or No]
Note: If No selected, other report thread/posts will not be created in other destination forums (ignores settings above). Hence the reports from those usergroups/users will only be created inside the thread ID the admin chose above.