If you are using Replicant code the category description is wrap in link <a></a> which I think it may not actually serve the purpose as description as it is not link. We can change the link<a> to <div></div> or a<p></p> or any html tag that serve your purpose as text description.
1)so change first in Style manager> style name> edit templates> display templates> display_forum_list> Replace the replicant code with this one. Please see above screenshot in my first reply to see the exact location.
HTML Code:
<td colspan="4"><div class="category-description">{vb:raw channel.description}</div></td>
2)go to style manager> style name> edit templates> css templates> css_additional.css> paste below code inside.
HTML Code:
.category-description {
See that this css class has no a. in front of it like original. It will work on any html tag you choose that defined this class. Class can be used repeatedly not like an css id.
Try increase or decrease value as fit because I have not tested it.
I prefer padding from margin.