Originally posted by Velocd
It's almost always very obvious when a "kid" joins your forum because of their language and grammar. I hate it when kids join my forum because they usually make spam threads, are immature, rude, et cetera. Unfortunantly there isn't a way to age check, because--as stated above, they could easily lie. But I would still like to request a way to auto-reject any user who registers if they are below X years or below old. For me, I would use 14. If the user does lie, I can still easily find out their age (usually by their grammar, intelligence, contact them on AIM undercover ^_^). If I find their age is false, I easily have a reason to ban them.
So, any help? (I could probably figure this myself, but I'm so cut short on time right now in school and sports)
So you base a person age on how they write? Grammar? language?
Hate to be on your board.
Only 60% of the world speaks english (or has a limited understanding of the language). 20% of that 60% can write in English correctly (and I mean correctly). And these are grown adults.
I had a guy on my other board who "wrote" badly, but he was 35 years old. You'd thought that by his writing he was 13. Found out he had the IQ of 83. Can't wholy go on how they write, or speak, or their use of the most stupidest language in the world.