The plugin developers are in the same boat as you guys, no one should blame the plugin developers for a broke plugin because of a vBulletin 5 update. If you're not a developer, you can't understand how much work it can be to get it working again after an update. Especially since vBulletin 5 is basically still in its baby shoes in my opinion... and it is still evolving rapidly.
Regardless, there are barely any vBulletin 5 plugins because vBulletin decided to remove a major feature that affected the ability to develop vBulletin 5 plugins.
Not too long ago, they announced that they are re-implementing that major feature which could possible fix vBulletin 5 its reputation and introduce a bunch of awesome plugins again. Then it's just up to the plugin developers to port their vBulletin 4 plugins to vBulletin 5 and provide support.
Just a side question: did you actually buy the premium version of this product or did you only use the free version?