Originally Posted by MarkFL
Update version 1.5:
- If a User's Primary usergroup is [X] and Secondary is [Y]. If usergroup [X] is restricted but usergroup [Y] isn't, the user will not be restricted. Right?
http://i.imgur.com/Z2NIDv2.png +
http://i.imgur.com/9sgXF6v.png +
http://i.imgur.com/WdYgHYb.png +
That mod (works on vB 4.2.3) allows on a per forum & usergroup basis OR just on a usergroup basis (usergroup manger).
It also allows us to restrict in minutes, which is better than days IMO (more choice).
Features I'd like which are in your (MarkFL) mod, but not in the other one:
- Exclude users.
(Although it would be better if we could also exclude based on each individual setting, and not just globally.)
- Posting in threads begun by other users only.
Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.
Feature I would like which are in neither Mods at the moment:
- Posting in threads begun by own users only.
(The other Mod combines posts in own threads and others threads together.)
A) Floodcheck: Limit in seconds.
So basically, another option for everything, but this time allowing us to also limit in seconds.
Usergroup [Y] is limited to [2] posts every [30] seconds & is also limited to [5] posts every [10] mins - both in [X] forum.
B) If possible, allow us to keep on adding as many conditions as we want
(this would be more useful than option A).
Usergroup [Z] is limited to [1] post every [10] seconds, [2] posts every [25] seconds, [3] posts every [60] seconds ... in [X] forum.
Seconds can be converted into minutes and be used multiple times, so having minutes in this case would no longer be unnecessary.
31557600 seconds/year -> Should still be possible. So still allowing the numbers to reach as high as possible, as long as there isn't any major drawbacks.
Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.
If you could make this happen, I'd be ever so grateful. :up:
Additional feature:
- The error message the user receives, the admin via adminCP should be able to write out (hyperlinking texts should be allowed).
"Sorry, you must wait longer to begin posting again. Please read this thread to understand why."
^ Perhaps you can make it so, admins can set different messages on a per usergroup & forum basis.