If you are wanting to display this statistic on a user's profile page, then you could create a plugin as follows:
Product: vBulletin (or whatever product you wish this to be a part of)
Hook Location: member_build_blocks_start
Title: Compute Posts Per Week
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:
$prepared['postsperweek'] = number_format($userinfo['posts']/((TIMENOW - $userinfo['joindate'])/(7*86400)), 2);
Plugin is Active: Yes
In the PHP Plugin Code, we are creating the number as part of the $prepared array since it is already registered there, and then using the number_format function to round it off to 2 decimal places to match the posts per day.
Then, edit your "memberinfo_block_statistics" template by locating the code:
HTML Code:
<dl class="blockrow stats">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase posts_per_day}</dt>
<dd> {vb:raw prepared.postsperday}</dd>
And below it add:
HTML Code:
<dl class="blockrow stats">
<dt>Posts Per Week</dt>
<dd> {vb:raw prepared.postsperweek}</dd>