Originally Posted by JesterP
Is there a way to tell the parser to disregard a specific post? Like a bbcode or a word that will tell it not to create links for this post.
There are isolated instances where I want the forum the post is in to be enabled, but some posts, maybe not.
Thank you!
It's a two step process.
1st in BBCode Manager you need to make a new BBCode... call it
nolink or something like that.
Make the replacement:
and save it...
Then you need to edit the Word Links mod settings. At the bottom of the settings the option called
Custom Regex
You should have some existing code in this box, at the very end of it, making sure to leave
no space, add the following code:
And save changes.
And if all works then you should be able to write
This [nolink]keyword[/nolink] will not be linked...
in a post and it won't be linked.