I found another issue. Approve Rides does not work properly, though Reject does. When trying to approve a ride I get the following message:
You're trying to add a new ride, or to activate an old one, but this is not permitted from your usergroup's settings.
This only seems to occur if the total number of rides, in the entire system, exceeds the Maximum number allowed for the person owning the ride being approved.
For example, my user is allowed 2 active rides max. He submits his ride, at this point he has 1 ride in the system, and I have 2, making a total of 3 rides. I cannot approve his ride, unless I delete one of mine first (therefore making the total be 2). If I allow him to have 3 rides, then I can freely approve his ride, as 3 is the total in the system; however, I would not be able to approve a 2nd ride for him.
I will try and get the fix this weekend.