Check if logged in PHP script
vBulletin 5.1.9
Hello I have a number of external pages written in PHP that need to check that a user is logged into vBulletin to allow access to these pages. After much searching I have a script that can check if the user has vb cookies but it is not always the case that cookies are placed on the browser when logged in.
/*--------- PHP Code ---------*/
$vbpath = '/home/ourperfo/public_html';
define('CSRF_PROTECTION', false);
require_once($vbpath . '/includes/vb5/autoloader.php');
$userid = vB5_Cookie::get('userid', vB5_Cookie::TYPE_UINT);
$hash = vB5_Cookie::get('password', vB5_Cookie::TYPE_STRING);
if ($userid > 0 AND !empty($hash))
echo "logged in";
echo "NOT logged in";
/*--------- PHP Code END ---------*/
So what I was wondering if there was a script to check if a user is logged in on the browser I could use. Thanks.