Originally Posted by x iJailBreak x
My name doesn't match my vB account as I didn't register with my real name however my address should have matched perfectly. And my email account was lost as it was on a custom domain that I no longer have.
Just knowing the address isn't enough IMO.
If it was me:
- I'd message every month saying I want my account back, with as much detail as possible explaining why I'm the owner.
Details include:
- Name registered on the account.
- Email address associated with the account.
- Payment method used to purchase the license.
- Website the license was associated with and provide proof showing that you're the administrator with backend (phpmyadmin) access to the website.
- Ask them to check your current ISP- so they can check to see if it matches with your previous posts (before and after you lost the account).
- Provide them with full details of your real name & address (passport/drivers license as evidence).
^ Those are just some of the things I'd do to get my account back, if I was in the same situation as you.
Total transparency and supply as much evidence as possible.
Additionally, comply with any demands/suggestions they give (I'd doubt they'd demand anything unreasonable).
If I was in their situation
(especially since vbulletin just been hacked recently), I'd probably wait 1 year to give you back your account.
Well in case somebody else claims to be the owner of your account.
If nobody else claims it for a whole year, then it's most likely yours.