I may have a use for this product but I have a few questions if you do not mind
1) Does the system give the ability to review an existing product, meaning not start a new everytime. I do not see that in the OP?
If it does, can the addition of the Product be Approve/Deny separately from the Review?
It we can add product separately, can that be enabled/disabled per usergroup?
2) You say you can customize the questions, does the system allow for dropdowns and possibly 50 of them with different options in each dropdown, as an example.
3) I see we can upload a pic, can we upload more per product if that option is available above, not just the insert in the review?
4) Can we tell the editor to not allow uploading of pics in the editor?
5) I assume those widgets on the main page pic can be disabled, just checking?
6) Can the rating system, "Stars" be disabled or changed to a numeric 1 - 10
7) Can we add more then one type of rating, say we have 4 different things we rate on and each getting a rating of 1 thru 10
8) I have not read thru this entire thread, is this compatible with 4.2.2
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you