Thanks for the reply
Originally Posted by Dragonsys
it does not happen on any of my sites running CMPS.
As for other pages, those links are specific to the page. You can copy them to other pages via the Nav Manager in the ACP.
[S]Is CMPS the official vBulletin release? If so, I don't have access to that as I bought my vBulletin 4 license before it was released. I'm therefore using vBulletin Advanced, which is no longer supported by the developer.[/S]
Strange, I get this on a default installation and style with the latest vBulletin / vBA releases. Something must be causing a loop for the nav sub links menu for each additional page I have on my portal.
For the other pages, is there a quicker way to copy all the nav links from the forums to other pages, or do I have to recreate them all one at a time for each new page?