Hello all, and thanks for any help you can provide with this problem I'm having.
I (still) use vBulletin Advanced as my website portal, which unfortunately is not supported anymore. On pages generated by vBA I'm having a strange problem with the navbar submenu links. On all except the last page listed, the submenu links appear to be overwriting themselves several times, stacked, giving the appearance of bold text. On the last page however, no matter which page I choose to display last, the submenus display correctly (as they do on the main Forums page).
Here are some screenshots to help describe the problem:
Here the second menu appears to be bold. However if I copy and paste the text from this area, I get the following:
About Forum Actions Forum Settings Join
Live Streams
About Forum Actions Forum Settings Join
About Forum Actions Forum Settings Join
About Forum Actions Forum Settings Join
And this is what the last page will look like. If I change the order of the pages in vBA, whichever is last displays correctly:
Also, as a more general question, is there an easy way to display the default forum submenu links on external pages other than reentering them in Navigation Manager for every single page? It's very frustrating! I'd prefer to have the navbar and subnav menus disabled in vBA and use Navigation Manager, but this doesn't seem to work even when I declare the THIS_SCRIPT value.
Thanks again, much appreciated!