I can't seem to see the answer to this in the forum so here's the problem.
I'm importing images from vbgallery (I've already imported categories) and the images seem to be importing to a maximun size of 400x 400 even though the original image is much larger in VB gallery.
I set the parameters (DBTech settings) to thumbs 200x200 and max image 2048x2048.
But no matter when I look at the image in the gallery it is still 400x? even if you tick the box to enlarge the image nothing happens.
OK the other issue I have is that the categories aren't showing up in the drop down menu after import.
Thanks for a great mod, this is a life saver. I also wish to upgrade to the pro version as soon as possible.

** Edit
I've looked through the old VB gallery and the image sizes are larger than the ones imported to DragonByte Gallery. Is it possible that the import script has imported the medium size images rather than the originals.