Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
If anyone is running AME 2.5 (automatic media embedder) I have figured out how to have embedded videos made smaller in the mobile style so they can still be watched inside posts.
In the file ame_bbcode.php that came with the AME mod (in your /includes directory)
PHP Code:
$dimensions = "_$ameinfo[zone]"; $ameinfo['width'] = $vbulletin->options['automediaembed_width' . $dimensions]; $ameinfo['height'] = $vbulletin->options['automediaembed_height' . $dimensions];
and below it Add:
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['styleid'] == 38) { $ameinfo['height'] = round($ameinfo['height']/2.3); $ameinfo['width'] = round($ameinfo['width']/2.3); }
Change 38 to the styleid of your mobile style.
Yo can set absolute heights and widths if you prefer, I am calculating it as a fraction of my set values which words well for me. You can experiment with the exact numbers to find what works best for you.
Tried it but still not working when surfing the forum from my mobile phone but works only when using my laptop!
How can I change /2.3 into px?
should it look like that:
$ameinfo['height'] = round($ameinfo['height']/150px);
$ameinfo['width'] = round($ameinfo['width']/200px);