A bit of bad news..
I have been working on a dark mobile as I have found the time but I have to back burner it for a bit as I get though a family crisis.
After being cancer free for a year, my wife got hit with the docs wanting to do a biopsy after her last set of scans. So things have been a bit crazy around here the past week to say the least.. On top of that, we are having to short sell our house because we were not able to stay up with the mortgage this year due to all the co-pays and other expenses that have wiped us out financially.
I will get back to it when I can but I am not sure when I will be able to get it finished. I have been forced to put all of my coding work on hold as I figure out what we can do and were we are going to move. Not to sure what to do as we are pretty much broke..
I also want to apologize over my recent conduct on the site.. All of this has made me a bit short tempered and I realize now that It has had an effect on how I have been conducting myself as of late.