Okay guys, I just updated the ChocoJournal system to version 1.8.1
These are the changes and descriptions (I'm just pasting what I posted on my board)
Here are all the changes since version 1.8.1:- Bug Fix: When editing an entry, with a quote in the song title, it messes up.
- You may use alt-s to submit a new entry or comment (suggested by Zephyrin)
- Journal is now fully template based
- Added a buddy most recent journal entry display system.
- Added an easier to remember link thingy for journals.
Here are all the new features explained in detail:
[ Alt-S to submit new entry ]
As many of you know, on many of the pages here on GFF, you can press alt-s to submit the data on the form. You can now do this with all comment and entry pages. Zephyrin suggested this in a thread recently.
[ Fully templated system ]
Lol, you won't notice anything out of this one. It just makes my life easier. 
[ Buddy most recent journal entry display system ]
Okay this is what took most of the time tonight. LiveJournal has something like this so I thought it was a good idea for this place as well (of course ours isn't exactly like LiveJournal's). On the main journal page under Buddy Journals, there is a link that says: "View the most recent entries for all buddy journals.". Click on that to enter. By default it shows the latest post (one per buddy) made by your buddies in the past three days. You can change the time frame to whatever you want in the pulldown menu. Private entries will not be displayed through the buddy recent entry display system. This should make it easier keeping up to date with all buddy journals on one page! I haven't fully tested this feature yet (although I think it's bug free) so if you find any bugs, let me know. Here is the URL to it if you want to jump into it right now: http://www.gamingforce.com/journal.php?action=buddy
Here is a screenshot for those of you who don't have any buddies: http://www.xarcos.com/buddydisplay.gif
[ Easier to remember link thingy ]
It's difficult to remember those long gamingforce.com/forums/journal.php?userid=whatever&action=view links, so I implemented a feature that makes it easier for you to link to your journal. The new format is:
Replace yourid with your GFF userid. Anyone hitting this link will automatically be forwarded to your journal.
Example: http://www.gamingforce.com/journal/?id=1
Changes from 1.7 to 1.8
- 2 database query optimizations
- Fixed a security bug allowing you to inject HTML into a journal page.
- Number of new entries since last visit displayed at the top of any journal page.
- Number of new comments in your journal since your last visit is now displayed on the main journal home page under "[ Journal Info ]"
Changes from 1.6 to 1.7
- Buddy journal links are displayed on the main journal page. Only links to buddies that have a journal are displayed.
- A simple, fast and effective journal finder has also been created for the main page. It checks if the username and journal exists before forwarding you to it.
- A "My Journal" button has been added to the main journal page allowing you to access your journal quickly.
- You can now check how many comments you have made on all journals on your journal page (in the stats section).
- Comment entries now include profile and add buddy icons for the commenter. Also, if you click on the commenter's name it's linked to their own journal (Thanks to TubeRacer for the suggestion).
Changes from 1.5 to 1.6
- Number of comments displayed
- URL is now automatically linked
- 2 database query optimizations.
There ya have it. That's what I have done so far since I posted this thread.