Hi Mark,
I installed this and you've done a really nice job so far, thank you so much! I have a few suggestions for a future release if you are interested. Here is my installation so that you can see where I'm at with it:
1. Some things are hardcoded into the PhP files, such as the alternating column colour and the display order of the columns. This isn't so great for websites with a dark background or if you want to change the order of the columns. Maybe these options could be changed to variables in the admin settings?
2. The integration with the new icons on the forums are excellent! But the static page itself comes out as quite underwhelming. Maybe it would be a nice addition to allow a brief description of each thread, so it's not just a list with no context? An image option would also be very nice. It would be great to really make this a page that stands on its own and encourages people to check out the best threads / most important news items on a forum.
3. Do you happen to know whether it would be possible to make this a page on vBA CMPS (vBulletin Advanced)?
Great work again, and thanks so much!
Edit to add: This is my homepage:
http://www.cyrus-gaming.com. My idea for the standalone page would be to have a similar layout, but with much shorter (new) descriptions of each article, and a small image. This would allow the page to hold around 15 - 20 articles on it.