I love the idea of this and want it to work, however, I am experiencing a few problems. First off all, when I have the product installed, it messes the alignment of certain things on the home page, for example the photo gallery and the forum sideblocks. The sideblocks get moved right down at the bottom right of the page(see first photo):
Attachment 153496
Secondly, I get these errors that come up in the product.php area. Note: I used hockey as the starting query(see second photo)
PHP Warning: Memcache:

connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111) in ..../prosperSuite/includes/models/prosperMemcache.php on line 21
PHP Warning: Memcache::get(): No servers added to memcache connection in ..../prosperSuite/includes/models/prosperMemcache.php on line 46
Attachment 153497
And finally, if I do a search, I get this pho warning in a white screen:
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ..../prosperSuite/includes/prosperLinks.php:3) in ..../prosperSuite/includes/models/Search.php on line 79
Thanks in advance for you help.