I tried moving it to the php code, and I end up with the same result. It is either always true, or always false. I like ti better in the php, as you stated, so I will leave it this way, but still can't get it to work right.
I tried $prepared['userid'] and still the same.
--------------- Added [DATE]1444607425[/DATE] at [TIME]1444607425[/TIME] ---------------
here is the updated php code:
if ($show['dso_slips_view']) {
if (isset($vbulletin->GPC['tab']))
$selected_tab = $vbulletin->GPC['tab'];
$blockinfo['title'] = "Timeslips";
$blockid = "dso_slips";
$taburl = $memberurl = fetch_seo_url('member', $prepared) . "&tab=dso_slips#dso_slips";
$templater = vB_Template::create('memberinfo_tab');
$templater->register('selected_tab', $selected_tab);
$templater->register('relpath', $relpath);
$templater->register('blockinfo', $blockinfo);
$templater->register('blockid', $blockid);
$templater->register('taburl', $taburl);
$template_hook['profile_tabs_last'] .= $templater->render();
$slipsqueue = $db->query_read("SELECT ID,Car_ID,Date,Track,RT,Sixty,ThreeThirty,Eighth_ET,Eighth_MPH,Thousand,Fourth_ET,Fourth_MPH FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."dso_slips WHERE Owner = ".$userinfo['userid']." ORDER BY Date DESC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($slipsqueue)) {
if (isset($row['Eighth_ET']) AND isset($row['Eighth_MPH'])) { $row['Eighth_ET'] = number_format($row['Eighth_ET'],3,'.',',')." @ ".number_format($row['Eighth_MPH'],2,'.',',')." mph"; }
if (isset($row['Fourth_ET']) AND isset($row['Fourth_MPH'])) { $row['Fourth_ET'] = number_format($row['Fourth_ET'],3,'.',',')." @ ".number_format($row['Fourth_MPH'],2,'.',',')." mph"; }
if ($show['dso_slips_edit_own'] && $userinfo['userid'] == $prepared['userid']) { $dso_slip_edit_own_link = 'true'; } else { $dso_slip_edit_own_link = 'false'; }
if ($show['dso_slips_delete_own'] && $userinfo['userid'] == $prepared['userid']) { $dso_slip_delete_own_link = 'true'; } else { $dso_slip_delete_own_link = 'false'; }
$queue[] = array (
'id' => $row['ID'],
'car_id' => $row['Car_ID'],
'car_name' => getVehicleName($row['Car_ID']),
'date' => date("M d, Y - g:i a ",strtotime($row['Date'])),
'track' => getTrackName($row['Track']),
'track_www' => getTrackWeb($row['Track']),
'rt' => number_format($row['RT'],3,'.',','),
'60ft' => number_format($row['Sixty'],3,'.',','),
'330ft' => number_format($row['ThreeThirty'],3,'.',','),
'8et' => $row['Eighth_ET'],
'1000ft' => number_format($row['Thousand'],3,'.',','),
'4et' => $row['Fourth_ET']
$templater = vB_Template::create('dso_slips_profile_tab');
$templater->register('dso_slip_edit_own_link', $dso_slip_edit_own_link);
$templater->register('dso_slip_delete_own_link', $dso_slip_delete_own_link);
$templater->register('selected_tab', $selected_tab);
$templater->register('queue', $queue);
$template_hook['profile_tabs'] .= $templater->render();
this always equals true:
if ($show['dso_slips_delete_own'] && $userinfo['userid'] == $prepared['userid']) { $dso_slip_delete_own_link = 'true'; } else { $dso_slip_delete_own_link = 'false'; }
even when I view another user's profile (in which case I need it to be false).
If I change it to bbuserinfo (instead of prepared) then it is always false (but should be true when viewing my profile)
EDIT: Finally got it, thank you for the help. When I added
vbulletin-> to userinfo and used
prepared instead of bbuserinfo it works.