Is this still being supported? Any chance you'll take suggestions on improvements to the system that can be ported to all the versions for VB3, 4, and 5?
If so...
1. There should be an option to allow the user to type a comment for a like or a dislike. Maybe it can appear on their profile page like a visitor message? Or maybe when you hover over the like or dislike number on the post it can display the names of those who liked/disliked it and hovering over the name can display their comment.
2. An option to limit the amount or likes/dislikes that be given per day. I just managed to get this implemented on VB 5.1.9 and within an hour somebody had went around and gave over 150 dislikes... A lot to the same users. It kind of ruins the value of the system when there's no option for limiting it.
3. Allow the options "given/recieved" to be view able on the profile under their information.(location and such) This would allow for the posbit to be uncluttered some and still allow members to view the information.
4. I don't know if "notifications" exist in VB3 and VB4 like they do in VB5. But in VB5, it's a bit annoying that the "notification" for likes/dislikes is done through a personal message (that you can't customize?) instead of an actual notification that you can dismiss easily. And the option to allow members to disables these notifications altogether would definitely be nice.