Help me please! What I`m do wrong?...
I trying show some info on showthread page.
PHP Code:
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
$mynewvar = "MyNewVar";
$templater = vB_Template::create('rightside_on_showthread');
$templater->register('mynewvar', $mynewvar);
$rightside_rendered = $templater->render();
HTML Code:
<template name="rightside_on_showthread" templatetype="template" date="1337106668" username="taravasya" version="1.0.0"><![CDATA[
<div class="rightsideinfo">{vb:raw mynewvar}</div>
And so on SHOWTHREAD template I adding:
HTML Code:
{vb:raw rightside_on_showthread}
But with no luck (((
In place in what I was want to add my info I have white space(without my div class="rightsideinfo" in inspector of page). But in debug info, I have not cached template
UPDATE -------------------------------------
I was thinking if I take vars into my own template, then I don`t need to use
vB_Template:: preRegister for add my template in showthread. But I was wrong...))