IF and I mean IF you posted this as a paid request, in the actual paid request forum then you can provide short and simple feedback in the same paid request thread. This cannot be discussed in the open forum if using their name etc. Its ok to discuss it, as it stands now in this current thread as no names were given and you simply asked for community advice on the subject

Have an American Express Card? If they still do this (last time I heard they did) use it to pay via PayPal - if they cheat you then file a complaint with both PayPal and American Express, AE will issue a refund despite whether PayPal does or not *typically as they side with their customers. Also never give as a gift via PayPal... if they do forum work then they should be paying the fees, that to me is a red flag as well because if you're not claiming all that you make then you're ripping off the government on your tax return and the government can throw you in a cell and the key along with it so sure they'll cheat you in a heartbeat what are you going to do throw Ice Cream at them if they don't deliver the product? Lovely! <-- That's the only solid advice I can give you aside from checking references and if it sounds too good to be true, it is!