I did
Step #1
Upload the admincp/arcade.php and over write the old file..
Step ##2
Upload the includes/xml/hooks_ibproarcade.xml file and over write the old file..
Step ###3
Import the product-newestgamethread.xml file..
Step #####4
Go into your admincp >> vBulletin Options: IBPro Arcade Thread on newest game
Add: Under which exisiting Username will post the New Thread.
Add: The User ID who makes the Highscore Thread.
Show the thread starters signature. Yes/No
Add: In which Forum will create a new Thread.
Enter the id of the post icon. 0 to show no icon.
Reply Allowed ? (open/close Thread) Yes/No..
Click (Save)..
Step ######5
Now go install a game to see the Thread..
i uploaded 1 game installed it got a white screen in acp with no game thread
plus disabled all mods and removed .htacess just to see if it wasnt that