Forum hacked, restored, now showing bare index
Probably 10th time in 4 years, my forum has been hacked. This time Turkish hackers inserted "class.php" into the /includes directory, my provider (Webhostinghub) is adamant they came through some VB backdoor, which I doubt.
VB 4.2.3 all vanilla, no Mods.
Passwords for site and ftp different, 30-40 characters, free form text with blanks, uppercase, numbers.
Wiped the site out and restored from last good known backup.
All VB files are in ./public_html/forums, as in picture 1
Now it is showing bare index, as in picture 2.
When going into "forum", it does show the site is down and under maintenance.
But if anyone clicks on the pictures, it is free to look at them with no login.
(I have moved pictures to another directory since until this is resolved but picture 4 shows how it was).
Why is it going now into bare index not into the full site?