How was this moderator embedding said videos? Using the editor or by pasting html code?
- If using the editor, then it might be a recent server change i.e. security encapsula/suhoshin or similar that needs to be adjusted.
- If he/she was previously pasting the html code and it would then show, it appears as if you had "Allow HTML" set to yes in your forum settings, which is a security risk so if it can no longer be posted that way then GREAT - it shouldn't be and you'll need to generate a BBcode for it if the option to embed does not exist in the default CK Editor in 4.x series.
Do not by any means set the forum permissions to "Allow HTML" UNLESS its a forum where normal members can ONLY VIEW IT, if they have posting permissions its a security risk. If only Admins/Moderators can post in that area it should be ok, as these are the people you trust enough to moderate the site.