If you upgrade to higher versions of PHP after upgrading to VB 3.8.9 and find this mod is causing deprecation warnings edit the
Title_Replace plugin in plugin manager.
Find the code (at the very bottom):
$messagetext = preg_replace(
'#(^|\[/(' . $skiptaglist . ')\])(.*(\[(' . $skiptaglist . ')|$))#siUe',
"convert_url_to_bbcode_callback_auto_title('\\3', '\\1')",
And replace it with:
$messagetext = preg_replace_callback(
'#(^|\[/(' . $skiptaglist . ')\])(.*(\[(' . $skiptaglist . ')\]|$))#siU',
function ($matches)
return convert_url_to_bbcode_callback_auto_title($matches[3], $matches[1]);
And save changes.
That should resolve the issue.