Originally Posted by weave
I am very curious what this would cost to fix AND update. If it is reasonable, I might be willing to foot the bill....worst case is the community pools their funds together and gets a legit coder to fix it up and make it current. I do NOT want to rip it off my site but I have disabled it until I know more about why it was quarantiend.
I am not faulting the ORG at all....I just want it fixed and updated so I can enable it on my site again.....
Never uninstall, disable and rename all .php file i.e. video.php to .gthdhyu675r5.php and leave it until time to patch/update. I say this because then those looking for specific files to take advantage of won't find them right away and those not talented enough won't. Furthermore if you remove the mod then all data associated with it goes as well, so with that being said if someone didn't know and uninstalled thinking that was correct, then re-installed once it was patched/fixed and wondered where all their videos links and such went too - they're gone forever! This is why you disable+rename instead of uninstall.