Originally Posted by squidsk
I'm unable to reproduce this. If I use either an absolute or relative url I see the image in PMs that are issued.
Is your site running on https? Have you renamed your admincp and/or modcp directories?
I can't reproduce the error. I'm able to use both a relative url and an absolute url to display award images. Have you renamed your admincp and/or modcp directories? I also notice that your admincp/award.php page has also been customized since it's displaying the point value of the awards which isn't included by default, though really it should be, perhaps something with your customization is causing problems.
My site "IS" running on https, we discussed this months ago when I first installed this mod ...
I have also renamed my admincp and mocp, but this was happening before I installed BOP5's mod to rename the register.php which renames bot the admincp and modcp found here:
my adminc/award.php page only has css modifications, the point value I add it manually to the description lol ...
So no, none of my customizations are causing the problem, this was happening way before. I actually don't have any problem because the images appear everywhere except in the admincp when managing each award the way it shows in the screenshots I posted ... So really it's no big deal for me ....
Squidsk, this is what you posted when I first brought up the issue of the images and the urls:
Originally Posted by squidsk
I don't see anything in the code that would cause absolute urls to fail. The default medals use absolute url and they display without a problem. As for relative urls not working, its because the [img] tag does not handle relative urls.
Here is the first time I posted about this issue:
Then you replied with this:
Then you replied with this lol ..:
Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
Ah snaps! Makes sense..so If I enable html just in that forum it should be fine right?
No, because the post was created with the assumption that html would not work, so bbcode was used instead. The problem is that the bbcode does not handle relative links. A fix to the bbcode, no likely to be done, or a fix to the code to generate that post which prepends the site url to relative urls needs to be done. I can likely do the second, but wouldn't count on jelsoft doing the first. They may even have reasons for not doing it, which if I were to guess it would be because it is too difficult to determine what a valid relative url looks like.
Like I said no big deal really, I can live with this little bug because everything else works just fine ....