Come now Jacquii, your sense of humor is greater than that I know from experience! It was supposed to make that intellect of yours go "well that snazzy terd, look what he did there" in a sense - he basically said that once, he said the same thing like gibberish, was supposed to be witty humor, I tried!
Tone, the only thing missing on a forum!
Ohh and remember that certain things are not useless, such as the quarantine email - now you/them have the choice to make a decision on whether to disable or remove it until something viable whether that be a fix or replacement comes along. Staff here also does everything on this site, in their spare time Paul and Lynne included... even if they're on staff for vBulletin themselves they ARE NOT PAID for time spent on so please don't assume that we're responsible for breaking the bank, we're just investors as well and the tedious trickle, vB5 for sure
