The policy does not need attention, in the least. Remember all, I was once once of you, I voiced the same concerns in fact if you search my past posts you'll find me spouting off to Paul and others long ago... it sounded like the same gibberish you typed above no offense but the forcing someone into doing something over being loud, proud, and funny when calling them or the sites policies into question is my JOB Ooooootay? Also - we're both loud Jacqii and nothings wrong with that unless its Movie night

. See I'm still being funny while also beating a dead horse, policy won't change but we can surely poke and prod that poor dead horse until the cows come home, pigs fly, or the thread is closed and I'm pretty sure which one will happen first! "How Now Brown Cow"
Edit: Info to those who already downloaded or installed it? What about the 1000x illegal/hacker/download 599 vb4 Mods in this .zip type of sites? Remember that most mods are available illegally and perhaps with tons of injected code or similar in the files so we can't just trust anyone #X-Files.
Now corny humor aside, I feel your pain. I also hate the fact when some coders remove their mods (over spite or similar, while nothing is wrong with the mod at all) and I fix tons of hacked sites... my method is restore the site to how it was 100% then upgrade if required - issue comes into play when the mod is in the graveyard and I can't download to help "fix" their site back to original so if you hate just being sol, then try just being sh**ted on eh? Basically what some have done in the past yet we don't see threads about that and those mods broke the mold for sure, some of them. So we can all have our opinions and justify why something should or should not be done but the rules are the rules, I've argued with Paul before and he politely pointed out many oversights in my logic and they just made sense once I took his point of view into consideration. See my post above, if its within your budget many coders here are qualified to change a few lines of coding to make it secure again - this is why we have an unpaid + paid request area for you to utilize. Furthermore you could open a new thread in vB4 programming discussions and ask for advice or what others might see as a vulnerability.
*Do not forget though, that a coder can fix a mod then contact staff and if we review and confirm its fixed we can add the fixed mod as an attachment to the first post, the liability IF any at all then does not fall on the new coder nor the original author, it would then fall on you the person downloading and using as it would still be use as-is and at your own risk we would simply verify if a security risk is still present or not. Some coders also fix a mod and attach the fixed file to the mods thread so it stays within the thread and does not violate the do not re-release this mod blah blah as its still within the mods thread here

- since its quarantined now and not a misc issue i.e. its a security issue the only way to go about it that way would be to contact staff directly and voice interest in fixing said mod so we can work with you then restore the mod with the fixed version in place ready for download.