No, we cannot and will not disclose such information. On occasion we will if for example its blatantly obvious but specifically identifying the culprit and disclosing to the masses is not our place or prerogative - in fact its your prerogative as a site owner to disable said modification until you know its secure again, don't place your members at risk on a "maybe".
I'd love to say I could, I like you sir but there's all sorts of low-life trolls that browse this forum daily and would simply run amok with said information and cause a ruckus for some unfortunately by taking advantage of others using info we supply. Furthermore, when you receive an email stating a modification has been moved to quarantine, its meant to be received and interpreted as "serious" and taken to heart as such meaning that if you do not know why then don't ask how later (how you were hacked), disable for now until you find out more with ANY mod that is quarantined, ever! As the saying goes "better safe than sorry".
Edit: Also as a prime example since you mentioned "investing heavily" Eddie and this goes for anyone whose ever done such; If you've made custom changes or paid someone to customize your particular version of a mod, the person who did that work may be qualified to find the security issue and patch now - this is something you must find out and decide if its worth it at said time. We will not however disclose those details and we cannot guarantee nor endorse anyone or any company who does such including but not limited to speaking of paid request - naturally you'll need to do that in private and or use the Paid OR Unpaid request forums here to discuss such. All modifications and information on this site are pretty much "as-is" meaning you need to make a well informed decision before doing anything to your forum... same as your daily routine, such is life. If anyone discloses anything on here it will be Paul, he is the primary Administrator who makes the super-duper-man-a-ma-jig type decisions when it comes down to it so you may PM him and ask.