Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
I was fiddling with my son and daughters xbox and stumbled across the google dns, actually turned out that I needed to do port triggering instead of port forwarding... TWCable Modem to bridged mode then used our D-Link and bam all is fine  .
Wonder what Ozzy uses for anti-spam... Ozz hey man if you had anything like cloudflare a while back and anything that banned by IP, make sure that at some point in time cloudflare or similar didn't have everyone coming in on certain preset ip's i.e. the reverse proxy in the config file if you think of it that way meaning that if it banned some major ip's that are being re-used then perhaps this is why some still can't access the site? I don't know I'm just throwing needles into the haystack for you to find and check later, one of them is threaded  .
Edit: Seeing Kevin's post below mine... anything banning by timezone? If so try removing it temp then check with Kevin and others who had the issue.
Here is the issue.
Looks like it has not been fully propagated yet. I would reset it so it re-propogates.