Originally Posted by meadwench
I have gotten vBSSO installed and connected on my VB and Wordpress installations. I am now assigning roles in Wordpress for levels.
However, we have levels in VB for 'Guest', 'Banned' and 'Double Secret Probation' (this last is a restricted access level when a poster has broken forum rules but is not banned), and 'Moderated Users' (cannot post for a time).
In looking at the Wordpress settings, the lowest setting is 'Subscriber'. How can I indicate banned or restricted users? I do not want banned users able to post in my Wordpress install.
Please advise, and thanks! This has been really easy to install and connect.
Vicky Rowe
Certainly, you can do it on vBSSO vBulletin->`Access Settings` Page:
- Allowed User Groups: means groups id that will have permission to be authenticated in all platforms via vBSSO. Those users who are not in this groups will be authenticated ONLY in vBulletin but not in connected platforms.
- Allowed platform_name User Groups: means groups id that will have permission to be authenticated in platform_name platform. You can ignore this option, in case you are already inserted groups id in `Allowed User Groups` option. But if you will have two platforms you can separately set up groups id for the each connected platform.
- Associated platform_name User Groups: means that those users who had registered or logged in from connected platform site will be added to those user groups.
For example: connect vBSSO WordPress and vBSSO Joomla to vBSSO vBulletin.
Fill in these fields:
Allowed User Groups: 1,2,3,4.
Allowed WordPress User Groups: 1,2.
Allowed Joomla User Groups: 3,4.
This will mean that all 4 groups will have a permission to be authenticated in all platforms, but the first and the second - only in WordPress, the third and the fourth - only in Joomla.
And, Login Access Settings: points the platform on which user will be authenticated (depends on the platform on which the login event is invoked).