Originally Posted by akz645
Could you add a feature that 'disables' BB codes from being used, rather than just hide for certain usergroups?
The goal of this product is to simply hide BBCodes from guests and other defined usergroups. Preventing their usage would be a whole other issue for another product to address.
Originally Posted by akz645
Also, could you make this mod forum specific & usergroup specific?
Example: Hide BB code IMG on forum section A for usergroups: 'registered & guests & banned'. Hide BB code IMG on forum section B for usergroups: 'guest & banned'. etc...

^ have that appear inside each one of these:

+ Another setting/box which disables BB codes (if you implement that feature)
That would be really useful for me 
While adding forum and usergroup information for each BBCode in the list could be done, I don't feel at this time there would be enough demand for that to justify the added complexity of the coding and in particular the settings.