Media Gallery ver. 1.1.0 is now available for download. It has 7 new features based on your comments and suggestion. I would like to Thank
BlackxRam for his useful tips even if I finally used my own solutions. But he deserves the ideas.
- Added in post new media form the ability to the user to select the video thumbnail depending on the video quality.
- Thumbnail in listings is now full area clickable to view media page
- Breadcrumb in View Media page now contains the link to category
- Added ability (General Options) to use Prev/Next navigation in View Media page(default No)
- Added ability (General Options) to use Prev/Next through all media (default) or through media on the same category.
- Added ability (General Options) to disable Audio and/or YouTUBE uploads (this applies to new posts only).
- Added Pinterest sharing
To Upgrade:
- Download ver. 1.1.0 and unzip
- Upload media.php and media_usercp.php to your installation
- Import product-mediagallery.xml. Please note that if you've manually modified templates these templates will not update. You must revert them before importing the xml file
- Goto Media Gallery-> General Options and set the new settings at the end.